Please review the Loan Checklist and gather your documents to make your loan process smooth and speedy.
It will be helpful that you meet the criteria for the following twelve requirements. Some items on the checklist may not apply to your personal situation. Our staff will review them and show you the loan that best suits your situation.
1: Signed contract and all riders on home being purchased.
2: W-2 forms and 1040 tax forms for the past 2 years.
3: Current paycheck stubs covering the last 30 days.
4: Last 2 months statements (all pages) for all checking, savings, credit union,
401K (funds which will be used to close).
5: Copy of borrowers drivers license or state ID.
6: Names and phone numbers of real estate agent and attorney you will be using
for this transaction.
7: List of employer's name, address and phone numbers for the last 2 years.
8: Signed divorce decree all pages (if applicable).
9: Letter from landlord stating on time for 12 months or name and phone number of landlord.
10: If retired, copy of most recent social security awards letter or pension awards letter.
11: Complete filing of bankruptcy papers including all schedules of debtors & discharge
(if applicable).
12: For other real estate owned, a copy of the property tax bill, name and phone number of your current insurance agent and mortgage statement.
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